Live Stream Pay What You Can Donation (Dana) Yoga Classes
Zen Yoga Center invites you to join our Live Stream Donation Yoga Classes. A safe place where you can learn Yoga Basics and enjoy "Balanced Flow" and "Early Morning Zen Yoga" Classes. Live Stream on Zoom with a Yoga Instructor available to provide you with different variations and to answer any questions.
Students should arrive respectfully online several minutes before starting time, wearing comfortable clothing. Click Join Zoom Session view the live broadcast. The sessions will be closed immediately upon start time so late arrivals will not be allowed to enter. Unless, otherwise stated the donation classes are not recorded for your privacy, we want you to feel completely comfortable practicing online. Donations are appreciated but not necessary, see below for details.
Create a safe and sacred place for practice that has access to a wall to help support your practice. We always recommend yoga props: yoga straps, yoga blocks, bolsters, and blankets to help support your postures.
The Practice of Dana: Generosity, Donations or Charitable Giving
Dāna is any form of giving. Dāna दान is a Sanskrit and Pali word that connotes the virtue of generosity in Indian philosophies. Generosity is at the heart and core of many spiritual practices in both Western and Eastern practices. In the Buddhist practice, dana is considered to be the first of the six perfections of ethical practice. It is the heart-opening gateway to the five other practices (morality, patience, energy, meditation, and wisdom), one that diminishes the natural impulse towards greed, deepening liberation from the clinging that causes mental suffering.
Although donations are greatly appreciated, please do not if you're not in the financial position to do so. Know that you are always welcome to practice with the group. The donations received will go to help support ZYC, teachers and special guest teachers.